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Our mission is to organize the food and agriculture of iran’s information and make it accessible and useful.

About FoodKeys

From product manufacturing to export and factory energy use, discover how we can help you make more sustainable choices. Make your business easier with a little help from our products

Iran's food and agriculture industry reference site started its activity in 2005 as an information base for businesses in the area of food and agriculture industries. This site is the result of the efforts of a number of academics and experts in food and agriculture industries who have been effectively present in the field of industry for many years and are familiar with its weaknesses, strengths and potentials. Iran's food and agriculture industry reference site is not affiliated with any organization or organization. The main purpose of the site is to inform and facilitate the flow of information. We believe that "information" in this industry as well. Determine a factor and it will be a solution. Therefore, on this website, we are trying to make the way for our audience to achieve their business goals smoother by providing information and facilitating communication at all levels of the industry.
